古迹奇谭 宝藏追梦者

古迹奇谭 宝藏追梦者海报

名称:古迹奇谭 宝藏追梦者

别名:The Adventures / ผจญภัยล่าขุมทรัพย์หมื่นลี้


主演:Sunny·Suwanmethanon / 玛查·茉西玛恩 / Somchai·Kemglad / 邦沙敦·宗威拉克







古迹奇谭 宝藏追梦者剧情介绍

Joy, a secretary at a large multinational company, has an online shopping problem, likes to read adventure novels and watch travel and adventure shows. She daydreams about living a life of adventure. One day, on a trip to Shanghai with her boss, Joy meets Thai traveler 'Ricky' at an antiques shop. Ricky sells largely counterfeit antiques to the rich and is in debt to many. The two fight over a pair of strange statues at the shop. When Ricky gets the prize back to his room, he accidentally breaks it and discovers that hidden inside is a piece of an old treasure map. For the two adventurers, a hunt for unknown treasure begins.

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